Pure Gold nuggets and Gold Bars for sale at great price’ +256700756692 ’ in Sweden,Saudi arabia, Dubai Kuwait,Qatar, UK,
We sell and deliver all over the World. We have in stock four (4) Standard categories of Gold “ 24 Carat — 95% Gold “ 18 Carat — 75% Gold “ 18 Carat — 58.3% Gold “ 12 Carat — 50% Gold Firstly, it’s worthwhile to note that gold (Au) in itself is a commodity that’s been highly coveted ever since the World knew of beauty and economics — as far back as biblical times. Uganda is an impoverished country with a long history of civil conflicts. The country itself is highly endowed with natural resources. It’s claimed that more than 90% of the Uranium used to build the nuclear warheads that were deployed by the United States on the two cities of Japan
Kindly contact us if you are interested,
Email : goldbarandnuggets1@gmail.com